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April's Kindness Hero

Congratulations to our April Kindness Hero Adriana from Mrs. Gormley’s 4th grade class! PTA Advocacy presented Adriana with a special medal, certificate and a cookie party for her class! 

    Adriana was nominated by Mrs. Gormley who said: “Adriana is a ray of sunshine for her classmates and teachers. Her smile, positive attitude, and helpful nature are always at work in our classroom. Her thoughtful gestures are countless, but some include coloring pictures to brighten her teacher’s day, sharing supplies when a classmate may need something,  including others so no one feels left out when working in groups or going on field trips, and always being quick to volunteer when anything needs to be done in the classroom. She is a role model for the Binks Way each and every day.”
    Adriana, you are a true kindness hero! We are so proud of you! 


March's Kindness Hero

Please help us congratulate our March Kindness Hero, 5th grader Josiah from Mrs. Dolk’s class.  He was nominated for this award by Mr. McNeese who says: “Josiah arrives at school early with a huge smile on his face and is eager to learn. He brings great energy to our campus. He always has focused and positive responses during classroom discussions. During recess and lunch time, you can always find Josiah interacting nicely with his classmates. He is a role model student who shows up to school ready to learn, treats others with respect and leads by example as a 5th grade patrol. We are so proud of Josiah and we love the value he adds to our school community!”


Josiah celebrated his achievement with a class cookie party. He also received an award certificate and special medal. Way to go!

February's Kindness Hero


Please help us congratulate our February Kindness Hero, Addison. She  was nominated by Ms. Gonzalez and Mrs. Chipley. Addison is described as being helpful not only to her teachers, but also her peers.  She is always willing to lend a hand. Her respectful and positive attitude make her shine bright! Addison, we are so proud of you! You are a true kindness hero! Keep up the outstanding work! 


Addison and her classmates celebrated her award with a cookie party with delicious cookies made by Christy’s Bakery! She also received a certificate and Kindness Hero medal. 

January's Kindness Hero


PTA Advocacy is very proud to announce our January Binks Kindness Hero, Savannah, from Ms. Cheatham's first grade class! Savannah has been nominated by Mrs. Olsen, who explains: "Savannah comes to my classroom every morning and helps my kindergarten students log into their iReady programs. She is very kind and patient and she's always helping her fellow students."

Savannah and her class celebrated with a party! They enjoyed delicious cookies from Christy's Bakery and Savannah received a Kindness Hero medal and certificate. We are so proud of you Savannah!

December's Kindness Hero

PTA Advocacy is very proud of our December Kindness Hero, Tiffany, in Mrs. Barnes 2nd grade class.

Mrs. Barnes nominated Tiffany “because she is a true Binks Kindness Hero! You can see her picking up trash during recess because she loves to keep our school clean! She is always willing to help her classmates stay organized and find their materials needed for the day’s lesson. She does all this with a big smile on her face!


Tiffany also helps her family by cleaning her room, helping her mom clean and organize her bathroom, and just keeping things tidy. The world is a better place because of sweet and kind students like Tiffany.” Tiffany and her class received a cookie party as well as a certificate and a Kindness Hero medal for her to wear with pride! Congratulations!

November's Kindness Hero

PTA Advocacy is very excited to announce our November Kindness Hero, Tessa , in Mrs. Fleming’s 4th grade class. Mrs. Fleming and Mrs. Abrams nominated Tessa, explaining: “Tessa is a beautiful young lady, both inside and out. She has a heart of gold, not to mention a smile and a kind word for everyone every day. She is a positive role model, who comes from a family of educators and often spends her free time advocating for others in the community. Tessa is also a hard working student who strives to do her best academically, while helping her classmates do the same. Binks Forest Elementary School is so very lucky to have Tessa as a student!” Congratulations Tessa!

October's Kindness Hero

PTA Advocacy is very proud of our October Kindness Hero, Daniil, in Mr. McNeece’s fifth grade class. . Daniil was presented with a certificate, medal and a cookie party for his class. Mr. McNeece nominated Daniil explaining: “Daniil comes to school each day with a smile on his face and thoughtful stories to share with his teachers and classmates. He is truly accepting of everyone on our campus and is kind and respectful EVERY SINGLE DAY and in all situations.

He is invested in his learning and puts in the extra effort when needed. Recently, Daniil has gone above and beyond to support one of his classmates and it hasn’t gone unnoticed. Being greeted by his smiles each day really does remind me why we all chose this profession. Everyone deserves to hear kind words and experience small and larger acts of kindness. I hope he continues to spread that message as he grows older. Daniil, thank you for being a model student, and don’t ever change.”  Congratulations Daniil! We are so proud of you!

September's Kindness Hero

PTA Advocacy is very excited to announce our first Kindness Hero of the year! Congratulations to our September Kindness Hero, Mason, from Mrs. Kettlewell’s class. Mrs. Kettlewell explains that “Mason has such a kind heart. He is the first one to offer help when it is needed. He spends his recess time cleaning up trash he finds on the playground and the field. He is a great friend to everyone and always puts a smile on the faces of those around him!”

Mason was given a special medal, certificate and a cookie party for his class in our Kindness Garden. Congratulations Mason, we are so proud of you!

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